A reckless cold heart
an unkind cold tongue
was once fatefully abandoned
to survive a tough term.
Then did she know
how soft was a mothers beat
how kind was a fathers yell
how joyful was a brothers bully.
Then did she feel
the bite of lonely nights
the weight of unceasing syllabi
the roughness of sharp souls.
Then came that time
when restlessness pacified
when morale was boosted high
and when the heart understood the worth.
For tears gushed forth one night,
those that cleansed her soul
from arrogance and pride.
A shallow shoal heart
a false pretentious soul
was once trusted with a word,
that it leaked to dishonor.
Then did she know
the chastity of conduct
the honor of keeping words
the preciousness of trusts.
Then did she feel
the thunder of a betrayed soul
the pain of a broken heart
the essence of integrity.
Then came that time
when broken hearts mended
when ragged bonds sewed
and when demolished trusts reestablished.
For tears gushed forth one night,
those that cleansed her soul
from self-regard and perfidy.
An oblivious lost heart
a hopeless astray soul
was once guided with light
revolutionizing that life.
Then did she know
the purpose of her existence
the value of her actions
the importance of her choices.
Then did she feel
the lowness of this life
the highness of the hereafter
the greatness of her creator.
Then came that time
when actions changed their course
when true knowledge was given its right
and when the soul strived to its might.
For tears gushed forth one night,
those that cleansed her soul
from kufr and vile.
An honestly striving soul
a certain but weak heart
is tested time and again
for steadfastness and might.
Now does she know,
that qadr is a part of emaan,
that hearts are in His hand,
that being steady is the key.
Now does she feel,
the bitterness of sins and tests,
the sweetness of sabr and shukr,
the tranquility through repentance.
Now has come the time,
when the journey goes on,
deeds are behold,
salah stimulates the soul,
saum diminishes its desires
and the Quran rectifies the heart.
For every now and then
tears must gush forth
those that cleanse the soul, her soul!